let's make life easier,

shall we?

Are you scrolling through our beautiful new website for the umpteenth time,
knowing you need some help but you Just. Can’t. Even?

We are not here to fill your life with existential crises.
We don’t even have pre-packaged processes or pre-framed programs to sell.
We are not focused on clinical techniques, complicated marketing strategies or oversimplified life philosophy.

We are simply here for YOU. Your business, your way.

Many of our clients will openly admit they resisted making the call to us at first because they were just too tired /stressed out / tapped out and getting some Flourishment was only going to add to the burden.

We only care about how you feel about your business, your team and your patients.
We haven’t met you yet and we already love what you do – let’s do it better.

How can you
Get Flourished?

Team coaching

NEWS FLASH! There’s never going to be a perfect time to stop, review, revitalise, and improve.

So, how about now?

You’ve got those niggles:
- That ever-widening communication gap between CA’s and DC’s.
- The bare-minimum patient care.
- Income that used to be better.
- A new team dynamic that’s just not quite as good as the old team.
- Volume’s dropping, marketing strategies stopped working, processes have disappeared in a puff of complacency and your team is snakier than the Reptile House at Perth Zoo.

How about a fresh perspective?

We offer 3 month’s worth of coaching (6 x 2 hour fortnightly sessions) with a special focus on the service aspects of your business – patient care, team culture and organisational structure. We prefer to meet with the whole team as a general rule, as we feel all team members should contribute to their environment; plus nothing screams ‘’success’’ more than an enthusiastic team all hopped up on collaboration and mutual vision.

The first couple of sessions will be all about discovery and making sure everyone has a voice. Depending on what your primary concerns are, we will help you set up some communication strategies and meeting routines as a foundation before moving on to audit-style full practice reviews. Throw in some chiro philosophy, a whole lot of front desk magic, some self-examination and good old-fashioned passion and enthusiasm and you’ve got yourself a Flourishing party of epic proportions.

CA Recruitment

Does this look like your staff recruitment process?
• Panic
• Whinge to colleagues (otherwise known as "putting the word out")
• Hire the first person you meet who is wearing shoes and has all their own teeth
• Upset your team with your poorly thought out decision
• Get annoyed with yourself, your team and the new person
• Create chaos, disruption and resentment by firing new person
• Go back to step 1

Stop the madness!

We’ve got you covered (and you’ll barely need to get out of your chair!) We'll get a thorough analysis of your needs via an investigative consult, compose a magical ad, process, filter and shortlist hundreds of applicants, facilitate your group interview, and of course, hold your hand all the way through the process, from ‘’hello’’ to ‘’hired’’. (It goes without saying that we thoroughly and whole-heartedly recommend some Flourishing after every hire, whether that’s our ‘’CA Essentials’’ workshop or team coaching. We can help get the new dynamics sorted quick sticks and get your new person just as fired up as the rest of the team.)

Professional development

We figured, let's gather everyone together (Mob Magic is a thing) and give out the wisdom collaboratively. We’ve tried to think of all the things you’re ever likely to need in practice, and bring it to you in a vibrant, sparkly group session. There’s a plethora of workshops to choose from: We’ve got your new CA’s covered. We’ve got your long-termers covered. We’ve even got your team management totally sorted (this has two parts - an essentials and advanced level session; team leadership is not for the faint-hearted).

Our latest work of art is our CA recruitment process all laid out on the table for you. You heard correctly. The whole kit and caboodle all packaged up – step by step processes and all our resources, just laying there for the taking.

Speaking of awesome - we also have a unique spin on performance reviews, patient communication strategies and chiropractic philosophy for CA’s as mini-sessions. Email us and we can send you an up-to-date menu of all the latest offerings.

Its disgustingly easy to make this magic happen within your own network – just get a group of your chiro mates together and let us know when and where! Reception areas make great meeting places for smaller groups of 10; we can arrange bigger venues if required. Fees will vary accordingly - please get in touch to find out more about our terribly reasonable fees.

We also run events throughout the year and across the nation - join us on Facebook to stay up to date


"We have been so blessed to have Davina as part of our team... not only is she someone who is insightful and inspired about Chiropractic – her knowledge about all facets of chiropractic practice is exceptional.
She engages beautifully with docs and CAs alike and at the same time has a beautiful way of keeping people accountable and on point.
Wholeheartedly recommend Davina and Flourish as a whole practice coach."
“Flourish Enterprises/Davina has been an important part of my journey as a chiropractor and as a business owner. I started working with Davina as a fresh faced recent graduate. She assisted me in a time of crisis with a baby (mine not hers) and an urgent need for a lead CA. She helped me through that time and intermittently thereafter, always ready to help as she was able. Fast forward a decade and I currently operate five practices alongside four other chiropractors. I highly recommend Flourish and hope to continue my relationship for years to come!”

One last thing

With our refreshed, revisited, and renewed Flourishing services we plan on doing all this and then some!

Our fresh new focus is to deliver your success by giving you all the resources, tools and support you need to love your business better. 


50 Justinian Street
Palmyra WA 6157

50 Justinian Street, 
Palmyra WA 6157

Our hours

9:00am – 5.00pm
Monday – Friday

9:00am – 5.00pm 
Monday – Friday

Contact us

0422 221 022

info@flourishenterprises.com.au | 
0422 221 022

Magic words by Flourish with help from Crisp Copy  |  Delish design by Samgarden